Pillow Making, a Beginner Sewing Project

Servings: 1 pillow
- sewing machine
- 1 - 13" x 13" pattern (optional) This can be made from printer paper, newspaper, etc.
- 3/8 yard fabric
- 1 pkg batting/stuffing
- 1 spool thread & needle
- several straight pins
- 1 pair scissors or rotary cutter
- iron (optional)
- Fold fabric in half, right sides (outside of fabric) facing together.
- Optional: Make a 13" x 13" template/pattern out of paper, pin or weigh down on your folded fabric and cut (two pieces). Otherwise, just cut two 13" x 13" pieces of fabric.
- With the two pillow pieces still right sides together, pin them on all four sides.
- Sew seams on 3 full sides of the pillow with the sewing machine, 1/2" in from the edges. Partially sew the 4th side, leaving an opening large enough to fit your hand into.
- Trim corners to an angle (a little bit, make sure you don't cut the stitches). This will keep the corners from bunching up when the fabric is turned right-side-out.
- Reach into the pillow, grab the far end and pull it through the hole -- turning the pillow right-side-out. Push out corners by sticking a finger in them.
- Optional but helpful: Iron the pillow flat, folding the unsewn seam edge to the inside. This will help you later when you hand-sew this last opening closed.
- Stuff pillow with the batting. You can make it as full (firmer) or loose (softer) as you want.
- Pin the opening closed with straight pins.
- Hand sew the opening closed. That's it, you're done!