Monthly Archives: January 2015

What really causes heart disease

Today I’m just going to link to an article by Dr. Dwight Lyndell, MD. It covers everything I’ve been learning about our health and nutrition for the past several years. Here’s just a teaser:

Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before.

Read the rest of the article here


Quick Einkorn Kefir (Buttermilk) Biscuits

Einkorn biscuits and soup

Einkorn biscuits and my snapper chowder. Yum!

The only flour I keep in the house these days is Einkorn. After having some minor reactions to  regular wheat flour (even organic) I started researching the gluten issue. From a few different sources, I’ve learned that wheat grown in the US has been hybrid so much as the gluten is no longer recognizable to our digestive systems. On top of that, I recently heard, again from a few different sources, that Monsanto’s Roundup is being used by farmers on most wheat right before harvest:

“Common wheat harvest protocol in the United States is to drench the wheat fields with Roundup several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields as the practice allows for an earlier, easier and bigger harvest.”

roundup sprayed on wheat

Roundup and wheat.

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The Best Snapper Chowder, Ever!

snapper chowderI don’t know when or why my love affair with soups began, but man-o-man I love my soup. Hot, cold, meat, fish, vegetarian, bean, squash, noodle or lentil, I don’t think I’ve ever made a soup I didn’t love. I like my soups thick and satisfying, a meal in itself, almost more of a chowder than a soup.

recipe box idea

No wimpy little recipe boxes here!

My recipe box is a testament to my love of soup. Having finally abandoned the little 3×5 recipe card boxes I tried to live with for decades, I found a useful alternative. I bought one of those boxes you can find at hobby stores that are meant for filing greeting cards and old photos. It was the perfect size for 8-1/2 x 11 printouts of recipes that I could fold in half and sort in manila folders that I’d trimmed down to size. My soup folder is easily 2-3x thicker than anything else in the box!

About 30 years ago I fantasized having my own soup kitchen, downtown, serving hearty, organic soups, salads and breads to the lunch crowd. Every day there would be a variety of new soups to choose from, plus a few favorite regulars. But besides not having the money, I realized that owning a mom and pop restaurant is a lot of hard work. I’ve updated that fantasy to owning a small farm in a green and charming country area and opening my house to soup lovers on the weekends. I would grow my own herbs and vegetables and buy local sustainable foods that I couldn’t provide myself. Of course, I’d have to go out of state for some ingredients such as  seafood, but I’d only buy wild caught sea foods and local free range meat and poultry. But now for reality… Continue reading